Sunday, May 24, 2020

Labor Day at the beach as coronavirus deaths nears 100,000

Labor Day is this Monday which happens to be one of the most celebrated holidays of the year.  Unlike previous years, this labor day may have some restrictions when it comes to enjoying the sun on the beach or having a barbeque with the family, or will it?  The nationwide stay at home order is still in effect but it seems that people have other inhibitions when it comes to celebrating this year.  Beaches have just reopened in California and it seems that people have taken advantage of these newly acquired freedoms.  Thousands of people have been crowding the beaches, having family gatherings, and are beginning to re-emerge all across cities around the nation which is worrying many citizens and professionals.  It's inevitable that people are going to celebrate this year's Labor Day on the beach and in the sun and truly is nothing that can be done about it.  Though I believe people should continue to follow the social distancing guidelines, I think that if these guidelines are followed carefully celebrating at the beach or having a family barbeque is totally acceptable.  Over the course of the next month or so, we will begin to see more and more people going out in public, participating in social gatherings, and not following certain government restrictions.  Hopefully, this pandemic will continue to improve and eventually be under control but until then, restrictions and stay at home orders will continue to be broken.



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