Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cause of Death, COVID-19?

Over the last weeks, we have definitely seen the infection and death rates of the novel coronavirus plateau.  Though it may be showing some slowing down, there are many people still showing symptoms and filling up hospitals.  One thing that has raised some concerns is regarding how the cause of death is being recorded in hospitals located in Minnesota.  In most cases, those who are showing symptoms and are admitted to a hospital are tested immediately for the virus and go off of their diagnosis.  Those suffering from some sort of health issue when being admitted or currently in a hospital may not receive a test in time before they pass away.  When this happens someone suffering from pneumonia, respiratory distress or any symptom related to Coronavirus will be considered a COVID-19 casualty.  This has received some backlash due to speculation that there may be some alternative motives relating to death tolls caused by the disease.  Experts support this motion and say that it can emphasize the severity and lethality of the disease while others argue it is an unacceptable and artificial way of inflating numbers.  There are many other conspiracies that are being proposed as to why this is taking place but overall, I truly believe that numbers should be recorded as accurately and reliably as possible.    


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