Thursday, April 30, 2020

Cause of Death, COVID-19?

Over the last weeks, we have definitely seen the infection and death rates of the novel coronavirus plateau.  Though it may be showing some slowing down, there are many people still showing symptoms and filling up hospitals.  One thing that has raised some concerns is regarding how the cause of death is being recorded in hospitals located in Minnesota.  In most cases, those who are showing symptoms and are admitted to a hospital are tested immediately for the virus and go off of their diagnosis.  Those suffering from some sort of health issue when being admitted or currently in a hospital may not receive a test in time before they pass away.  When this happens someone suffering from pneumonia, respiratory distress or any symptom related to Coronavirus will be considered a COVID-19 casualty.  This has received some backlash due to speculation that there may be some alternative motives relating to death tolls caused by the disease.  Experts support this motion and say that it can emphasize the severity and lethality of the disease while others argue it is an unacceptable and artificial way of inflating numbers.  There are many other conspiracies that are being proposed as to why this is taking place but overall, I truly believe that numbers should be recorded as accurately and reliably as possible.    


Saturday, April 11, 2020

US Surgeon General's Controversial Remarks Regarding COVID-19

The US Surgeon General Jerome Adams is being criticized by the media after making some controversial statements during a COVID-19 address from the White House.  During his address to the people of America, Adams stated that people of color need to continue the fight of coronavirus by staying healthy and by practicing social distancing "for your big mama."  This was obviously the statement that is currently taking fire and it does seem to be a little careless and offensive to the African American community. His intent was to target the African American community and wanted to try and get the point across by using these statements.  

He explained that the COVID-19 case and death rates are higher for "Americans of color" than it is for white Americans.  When asked about his reasoning for using these words Adams explained, “We need targeted outreach to the African American community, and I use the language that is used in my family. I have a Puerto Rican brother-in-law. I call my granddaddy ‘granddaddy.’ I have relatives who call their grandparents, ‘big momma’,” Adams said. “So that was not meant to be offensive. That is the language that we use, and that I use, and we need to continue to target our outreach to those communities.”  Adams also added that everyone regardless of your color needs to follow the president's coronavirus guidelines. Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and drugs will improve your chances of immunity and it is suggested to keep checking in on your family members over the phone. I think that during this time of pandemonium, there will be words and things said that may not be fully thought through.  

As I've said in the past I think that as a country we need to be aware of the things going on and to address them accordingly but also focus on the main goal which is defeating this horrible virus.  Surgeon General Adams, in my opinion, meant no harm with these remarks and was potentially hoping to get the attention of the entire country. The statements that he made were unacceptable and I believe that he will learn from this.  The use of slight remarks and stereotypical sayings are unacceptable at any time and should not be used in this day and age, especially when your audience is the entire world.  


Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19 and the emergence of more hate crimes

Yesterday on April 4, 2020, a 51-year-old woman was attacked on a bus in the Bronx, NY by four teenagers blaming her for the COVID-19 outbreak.  The four female suspects attacked the woman, striking her in the head with an umbrella while making anti-Asian remarks before evading the scene.  The woman who was struck in the head was transported to a nearby hospital and treated, receiving 25 stitches for a head injury inflicted by the umbrella.  Three of the four suspects were caught and charged with hate crime assault, menacing, and harassment.  The fourth suspect who reportedly struck the victim in the head was not apprehended and is still on the loose.  In my opinion, I believe that the police department along with the city is taking this very seriously and trying to set an example that xenophobia and any racism towards Asian's are unacceptable.  Though this topic has seemed to have fallen out of the news over the past couple of weeks, it is clear that it is still going on and needs to be stopped.  The NYPD has provided a hotline to the public for anyone who may have any tips in regard to finding the fourth suspect involved in the hate crime. 

The picture shows one of the suspects attacking the victim.