Friday, March 27, 2020

India's Harsh Covid-19 Restrictions

Throughout the whole coronavirus pandemic, many countries have taken serious measures trying to stop the spread of the virus.  Countries around the world have issued a stay at home order and are encouraging social distancing.  Many businesses have been closed until further notice except for stores like pharmacies and markets which provide essential services.  The country of India has also enacted these orders but to a new extreme.  On March 24th at 8 pm, the prime minister of India laid down restrictions across the country shutting down all businesses, public transportation, and ordered everyone to stay in their homes.  Though everyone has to follow these rules, the poor population of the country which also is the majority will suffer the most.  The reason being is that many of the migrant workers and poor population rely on their jobs to survive in society and now they are not allowed to do so.  Many countries around the world have offered financial aid which equates to about 20% of its GDP to its citizens and businesses.  India has done very little in this category and has only offered around 22 billion dollars which in comparison amounts to less than 1% of India's GDP.  Compared to other nations across the world it seems that India's government is not doing much to help its citizens sustain their income along with their supply of necessities.  If nothing is done to resolve this ongoing issue across India, crime and acts of desperation will increase and the well being of its citizens will be in danger.    


Friday, March 20, 2020

The "China virus" under fire

We are now in the middle of a pandemic that has plagued the globe, infecting around 200,000 people and has taken the lives of close to 11,000.  In the midst of all of the chaos and panic, President Trump was recently under fire for a statement he made referring to the novel Coronavirus as the "Chinese virus".   Though this virus did emerge and spread from Wuhan, China, this kind of statement during a time like this seems quite careless.  One problem which this virus brought up was that of xenophobia and racism against Asians in America.  This has become a big problem across the world following the outbreak of Covid-19 but many have shed light upon this issue hoping to correct and educate others on the subject.  I believe that these statements were made out of spite in response to how China withheld information from the world regarding the virus.  Though it may not have been the best way of handling things, I do not believe that these statements were made to promote racism or prejudice towards Asian people across the nation and were the result of carelessness and poor judgment.        


Covid-19, hoarding supplies affecting those most at risk?

As we all know in recent weeks the Covid-19 outbreak has become a serious problem in America and across the globe.  This has caused many around the nation to begin gathering and hoarding supplies such as toilet paper, water, and food items as they prepare for the worst to come.  While I believe that this is a wise precautionary measure to take during this time, many of those participating in this preparation are in some cases taking it a little too far.  Some are purchasing enough supplies to last them for years to come while not considering their fellow citizens, especially senior citizens who are most vulnerable.  Thankfully this problem has been addressed not just locally but also nationally and has led to special hours put aside for seniors to do their shopping in a safe and controlled environment.  It is clear that many Americans are obviously in a panic mode but this pandemic is showing how many truly care about the well being of others.  Some are sacrificing for their fellow Americans, while others gather and hoard as many supplies as possible leaving others with nothing to acquire.  I believe that the main objective to beat this virus is to work together, follow instructions suggested by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and US Government, and to be compassionate for those who need it the most during a time like this.     

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Which is spreading faster, coronavirus or racism?

Over the last few months the Coronavirus also know as COVID-19 has raised much concern across the globe.  The virus which originated in Wuhan, China has already infected over 100,000 people and conquered the lives of over 3,000.  Though this raises much concern regarding people's health and wellbeing, it seems that many are blaming the spread of the disease on one group of people.  Racism towards Chinese people has been rising exponentially since COVID-19 emerged and what I've noticed is that this problem isn't getting the attention that it should be throughout the media nor is it getting any better.  Though this problem has gotten some attention, the Chinese population is beginning to suffer.  Chinese businesses are taking a hit, they're being discriminated against and in some cases even being physically harmed.  It's understandable that the media want's to focus on the death rates and the overall spreading of this virus but the racism being directed towards Chinese people is unacceptable and needs to be addressed in a more serious manner.  It will be interesting to see how things pan out in the future regarding this topic and I look forward keeping up with COVID-19 and how the media covers it.  
